I have found that most of the misunderstanding comes from a basic confusion about what energy medicine is, and what it is not.
There is nothing mystical, new-age, voodoo or magic about energy medicine. In fact, many cultures have studied and taught about the energy systems of the body and their effect on health and well being for hundreds of years. Energy healing is certainly not new...it's ancient!! HERE is a very in-depth PowerPoint packed with information explaining the nuts and bolts of energy medicine, from an LDS perspective. It is the presentation I use in my Introduction to Energy workshop.
Energy healing is simply the application of physics in medicine (while our western medical model is based upon the application of chemistry in medicine.)
This post will be a work in progress, as I continue to address the most common misconceptions I come across. Every time I run across misinformation, I will post it here, with my response. So here goes!
Q: If energy healing is real, how come the Brethren haven't talked about it?
A: When was the last time one of the brethren stood at the pulpit and gave instruction about how to heal a broken leg? Or how to give proper first aid after a car accident? NEVER! Because it's pretty well understood that if you have a broken leg, you need to see someone who has been trained in healing broken legs. Similarly, if you have something emotional going on...depression, anxiety, unresolved trauma...whatever...you need to go to someone trained in methods to address those issues. Latter Day Saints are taught to seek out truth, wherever it may be, and do our own research. There's lots of things the Brethren don't talk about from the pulpit, because it doesn't fall under their mantle as leaders. There's lots of truth in this giant world we live in...I believe the Lord expects us to figure some things out on our own using the brains he gave us!
Here is a little gem I stumbled across on an online forum the other day....my comments are in blue
"There is a wave of new age spiritualism creeping into the church and undermining the power and authority of the Priesthood. Energy healing is spreading like a virus with members of the church especially the woman. They have taken it upon themselves to heal in the name of Christ. They use methods that are not authorized by God. If the men of this church were to humbly yet powerfully rely upon the powers of the Priesthood, I don't think we would see such a wave of energy healing as we do. Energy healing has become the new Preisthood. Muscle testing has become the new method of revelation.
There is NOTHING new age about working in the body's energy fields to affect health and wellness...It's SCIENCE! (Study more about quantum physics !) As I mentioned above, it is simply the application of physics in medicine. Incidentally, our western medical model is based upon the application of chemistry in medicine...hence, the reason pharmaceuticals are so central to our mainstream medical model
The claim that energy medicine undermines the power and authority of the Priesthood is probably the claim that bothers me the most. Energy medicine has nothing to do with priesthood authority and in no way undermines priesthood power. Priesthood authority gives it's bearer the authority to act in the name of God, and is used to administer ordinances of the Gospel, exercise keys, and to administer priesthood blessings. Nothing in the field of energy medicine has anything to do with those things! Energy healing is nothing more than a "tool" in our toolbox of things available to us to take care of ourselves and our families-just like using herbs, essential oils, going to the chiropractor, massage therapist, or any number of other things we can learn about... I was taught to do all I could before asking for a priesthood blessing.If I had a child with a broken bone, I'm sure the Lord COULD heal it through a priesthood blessing, however I believe he'd also expect me to take my child to an appropriate medical professional. There are times when we need extra help, or what we can do ourselves just isn't enough...then we ask for a blessing. Learning more about alternative forms of healing, like energy medicine, herbs, essential oils, etc, etc just gives me more tools in my toolbox, but a priesthood blessing still is, and always will be, drawing on a higher power!
there are lots of people learning about these truths...and helping a lot of people in the process. I personally have worked with Bishop's, Primary Presidents and Temple ordinance workers, and not one person has ever expressed concern over the principles of energy healing. My Stake president's wife does a form of energy healing (Foot Zone Therapy), and has done a lot of good for others. Most of the people I work with are active, faithful Latter Day Saints. As truth and light spread, Satan ups his game and spreads confusion and false information as well. That's why I felt it was time to speak out about these misconceptions!!
"They use methods not authorized by Christ?" I believe the exact opposite! I believe Heavenly Father expects us to learn of the laws that govern health and healing, and to use those laws to be proactive about our health. Just as a dr. can study the laws that govern healing broken bones or a physical therapist can learn to use the laws that govern healing and strengthening muscles, the Lord not only authorizes us, but expects us to learn the laws that govern all aspects of health and wellness. Our Heavenly Father expects us to be proactive about our health...to act and not wait to be acted upon! Energy healing is just another field of study, just like nutrition, herbs, massage therapy, accupuncture, etc, etc.
anyone who is letting muscle testing take the place of personal revelation is misusing a very valuable tool. Muscle testing is simply a tool, and can be used to obtain information regarding health and well being. That's the scope of it. Prayer and personal revelation is still a higher power, and you should never muscle test things you should be praying for. If in doubt...PRAY! I will often confirm the results of a muscle test with prayer, especially if I'm testing for something that could have serious consequences, isuch as serious injury or illness. And...I would never dream of working in someone's energy field without praying first! I always pray for the spirit of discernment, and for the ability to obtain the information i need to address whatever issue I am working on. The very fact that the Holy Ghost will assist my efforts by confirming the results of a muscle test, or help me know that I've missed something and need to go back and ask more questions is additional evidence to me that I'm using knowledge and understanding that are God-given for our use and benefit! I absolutely believe muscle testing and energy healing are among the "hidden treasures" spoken of in D&C
Q: Why can't I cure my depression, anxiety, grief, etc, etc with a priesthood blessing?
A. There have been some really great articles in the Ensign that deal with this very issue. Here are a few thoughts that help add clarity to this very valid question:
(Elder Alexander B. Morrison Of the Seventy; October 2005 Ensign)
"I am a great advocate of priesthood blessings. I know, from much personal experience, that they do inestimable good. I know too that final and complete healing of mental illness or any other disease comes through faith in Jesus Christ. In any and all circumstances, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, our lives will improve and become richer and more peaceful as we turn to Him. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,” He said. “… Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28–30). He and only He has the healing balm of Gilead needed by all of God’s children.
We must understand, however, without in any way denigrating the unique role of priesthood blessings, that ecclesiastical leaders are spiritual leaders and not mental health professionals. Most of them lack the professional skills and training to deal effectively with deep-seated mental illnesses and are well advised to seek competent professional assistance for those in their charge who are in need of it. Remember that God has given us wondrous knowledge and technology that can help us overcome grievous problems such as mental illness. Just as we would not hesitate to consult a physician about medical problems such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, so too we should not hesitate to obtain medical and other appropriate professional assistance in dealing with mental illness. When such assistance is sought, be careful to ensure, insofar as possible, that the health professional concerned follows practices and procedures which are compatible with gospel principles."
And this from Jeffrey R. Holland, October 2013 Ensign, "Like a Broken Vessel:
"The Apostle Peter wrote that disciples of Jesus Christ are to have “compassion one of another.”1 In that spirit I wish to speak to those who suffer from some form of mental illness or emotional disorder, whether those afflictions be slight or severe, of brief duration or persistent over a lifetime. We sense the complexity of such matters when we hear professionals speak of neuroses and psychoses, of genetic predispositions and chromosome defects, of bipolarity, paranoia, and schizophrenia. However bewildering this all may be, these afflictions are some of the realities of mortal life, and there should be no more shame in acknowledging them than in acknowledging a battle with high blood pressure or the sudden appearance of a malignant tumor.
In striving for some peace and understanding in these difficult matters, it is crucial to remember that we are living—and chose to live—in a fallen world where for divine purposes our pursuit of godliness will be tested and tried again and again. Of greatest assurance in God’s plan is that a Savior was promised, a Redeemer, who through our faith in Him would lift us triumphantly over those tests and trials, even though the cost to do so would be unfathomable for both the Father who sent Him and the Son who came. It is only an appreciation of this divine love that will make our own lesser suffering first bearable, then understandable, and finally redemptive.
So how do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love? Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend.
If things continue to be debilitating, seek the advice of reputable people with certified training, professional skills, and good values. Be honest with them about your history and your struggles. Prayerfully and responsibly consider the counsel they give and the solutions they prescribe. If you had appendicitis, God would expect you to seek a priesthood blessing and get the best medical care available. So too with emotional disorders. Our Father in Heaven expects us to use all of the marvelous gifts He has provided in this glorious dispensation." [end quote]Read Elder Holland's entire article HERE
I think Elder Holland pretty much nailed it with that last paragraph...There are many different types of energy healing techniques, and many different practitioners. It is crucial to find someone who has been properly trained and has the skill and knowledge to address your particular issues. Not all practitioners have the same training, or have the same skill level or expertise. You DO need to do your research and ask questions, but it's clear to me from the above statements (and additional research you can do on LDS.org regarding mental/emotional struggles) that it is not part of LDS doctrine that a priesthood blessing is the only thing you need to heal, and that emotional/mental issues need the same attention and professional care that physical issues require!
Q: After Oct 2017 General Conference, I keep getting asked "What do you make of Elder Ballards talk, where he said:
"In some places, too many of our people are looking beyond the mark and seeking secret knowledge in expensive and questionable practices to provide healing and support....An official Church statement, issued one year ago, states: “We urge Church members to be cautious about participating in any group that promises—in exchange for money—miraculous healings or that claims to have special methods for accessing healing power outside of properly ordained priesthood holders.”11The Church Handbook counsels: “Members should not use medical or health practices that are ethically or legally questionable. Local leaders should advise members who have health problems to consult with competent professional practitioners who are licensed in the countries where they practice.”12Brothers and sisters, be wise and aware that such practices may be emotionally appealing but may ultimately prove to be spiritually and physically harmful."
A. My sister, who is also learning about energy work, asked me the same question, and I'm referring people to a copy of the conversation I had with her, where I expressed my own thoughts and opinions on the matter. Click HERE to see the conversation!
Q: It feels like my energy worker is receiving personal revelation for me, or is telling me things they have no right to know. Isn't that crossing a line?
A. I'll be honest. This was an area that concerned me when I was first learning about energy medicine. I would watch my mentor working with people, and it was clear to me that she knew things about that person she could not have known unless given through revelation, and of course we've all been taught "you cannot receive revelation for another person". I pondered this in my heart for a long time, and prayed and prayed for understanding. I knew that just because we COULD do something didn't mean we SHOULD. I wanted to make sure I wasn't crossing any lines. I finally took my concerns to my Stake president. He explained to me that our doctrine is "you can't receive revelation for anyone outside your stewardship". He helped me understand that when someone comes to me for help, there is a stewardship there. They've given me permission, through their agency, to use the tools, knowledge and gifts I have to help them with specific concerns. My stewardship is limited to the area they've asked for help in, just as stewardship in our church callings extends only to the bounds of our callings.
As I'm working with clients, most of the information I receive comes via muscle testing, and is information known by my clients own body system. If you study more about the energy systems of the body, you'll understand there are vast amounts of information stored there, all relevant to our health and well being. Muscle testing simply accesses information the body already knows.
There are times when information relevant to someone's healing is given to me through the Spirit. Sometimes I have difficulty connecting the information I am receiving, or I can't find all the pieces to the puzzle. In those cases, quiet whisperings through the Spirit help me have a clearer understanding of what my client needs. Often, if I'm working on a particularly complicated issue, I will receive spiritual help in making sure I am able to understand the whole picture, and know what is needed. President Russell M.Nelson describes this type of help from the Spirit in his own professional work HERE (at 4:15), and HERE. My unique spiritual gifts are a also a valuable tool in assisting me as I work. Such revelation is within my stewardship, since the person I am helping has asked for my help, and given permission for me to muscle test and access the information in their energy systems. I would never dream of working in anyone's energy field without praying for help and guidance first!! Therefore, I have the expectation of Heavenly help in my work, as would anyone who prays for the guidance of the Spirit in their professional work.
Think of other relationships you have with people in your life who you count on to take care of you in some way. If I'm having surgery, I want the gifted surgeon who has prayed for revelation on my behalf, and I expect him to listen to the Spirit if he's prompted to do or say something. When President Nelson speaks of preparing for a difficult surgery and having the Spirit diagram the procedure in his mind, did he have the right to receive that revelation about someone else's body? YES! It was within his stewardship. I want my children's teachers, and doctors and counselors praying over them, and seeking revelation in how best to help them. If you are a professional person, and aren't praying for revelation for those you have stewardship over, shame on you!
Many people who are drawn to the healing arts are natural nurturers and have the gifts of compassion, empathy and a natural sensitivity to the Spirit. Many have additional gifts, such as beholding ministering angels, the gift of discernment, or the ability to "see" what is happening in someone's system and know how to help. As I have worked in this field, I have developed many of these gifts. They are gifts from a loving Heavenly Father, allowing me to be a better instrument in His hands. I believe He expects me to use all the tools and knowledge and gifts he has given me to help my brothers and sisters, while taking care to stay within my stewardship and use those gifts within the bounds he has set. Using spiritual gifts in our professional work is a great blessing to those we serve. And I, for one, want the gifted teacher, the gifted nurse, the gifted counselor, etc. And I don't expect them to work for free because they are gifted at what they do.
My stewardship in energy work is confined to obtaining information for my clients health and well being. That's it. And I only have stewardship to address things they have asked for help with. I work very hard to stay within those bounds. Not doing so would open me up to deception by the adversary. I know many good people who try to help others who do not stay within those bounds. I know many faithful Latter Day Saints who do not have the gift of discernment, or do not know our doctrine well enough to discern truth from error. Those people give everyone a bad name!! In this field there is an abundance of the "philosophies of man mingled with scripture."
The lord expects us to study things out and ask Him if what we are learning is truth, and to use the Spirit to hold on to what is right, and discard the rest. Probably everyone who has questions or concerns about energy work know someone who is going down strange paths. It is imperative you are careful who you go to. Not only do they need to have proper and thorough professional training, but they need to make receiving and keeping the gift of discernment the highest priority. They need to be seekers of truth and learners of doctrine, so they have a baseline through which to prove all other information. They need to understand the concept of staying within their stewardship and keeping within the bounds the Lord has set. Not doing so can lead to deception and falling for Satan's counterfeits. But remember, wherever Satan has created a counterfeit, there is a true principle he is trying to obscure. Too many people close their eyes to truth out of fear of being deceived.
The scriptures speak of "great treasures of knowledge...even hidden treasures." I firmly believe that muscle testing, the healing arts and energy medicine fall into this category. Hidden treasures need work and study and discernment to uncover and understand. Study these things out, do the work required to "prove" these things. Go to the Lord.
In a recent conference address, Elder Ballard also said:
"Many of us are on amazing journeys of discovery—leading to personal fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment. Some of us, however, are on a trek that leads to sorrow, sin, anguish, and despair."
To me, this reiterates the fact that "By their fruits ye shall know them." "Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good." The scriptures are clear: if a journey does lead to personal fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment, we can be sure it is of God. Study and read Moroni 7! God has given us a fail safe pattern in all things, that we may not be deceived. It is up to each of us to study it out in our minds, and ask God if it is right.
What about the term "Christ Centered Energy Healing?"
As I began my professional training, one of the very first courses I took was called "Christ Centered Synergetic Healing." Christ centered energy healing ISN’T a method or modality. A Christ Centered practitioner is simply someone who believes in Christ and is open to prayer, like the therapists at LDS Family Services (who are paid for their professional work without question.)
There’s a huge misunderstanding in the terminology.
Christ centered energy healing isn't a certain method or practice apart from other forms of energy healing. It isn’t a counterfeit form of a blessing. Those who use the term aren't claiming access to any special healing power, nor are they using energy healing as a replacement for the priesthood. "Christ Centered Energy Healing" is simply a term used by practitioners to indicate their beliefs are Christ centered, and everything they practice is in-sync with their belief that all truth comes from, and points to the Savior. In this context, I suppose you could have Christ Centered Dentistry or Christ Centered Chiropractic Care. However, those industries aren't as plagued by mis-information or counterfeit versions the way energy medicine and alternative healing is.
In the energy healing arena, there are many differing beliefs as to how and why energy healing works, or those who attribute the healing power to questionable sources. Designating ones-self as Christ Centered is simply a way to let clients know where we stand as a practitioner. Nobody is paying money for an increase of Christ, or "special" access to Him or His healing power. They are paying for a treatment, a therapy, and choosing someone who happens to know and love the Savior, in the very same way we choose counselors at LDS Family Services over others so we know the things they tell us are safe, and in line with our beliefs.
Elder Ballard said to be "cautious of groups promising miraculous healing." Energy healing isn’t miraculous, nor should a trained, qualified practitioner ever promise miraculous results, any more than your chiropractor or physical therapist should. Energy healing is often used in combination with other holistic as well as main stream healing techniques to address all the root causes of imbalance.
Energy healing techniques do not require trust in God to work because they are not faith based healing. Many of these therapies are scientifically proven, such as acupuncture, cranio-sacral work, foot zoning, etc, and are rapidly becoming more mainstream. Practitioners are utilizing a skill they have worked hard to learn and pay for (tuition), and aren’t promising miracles, although someone who doesn’t understand how it works may call it a miracle, just as many people call various medical treatments and medicines “miraculous”.
I believe the Lord expects us to use all the tools and knowledge he has given us, both from alternative and western medicine schools of thought.
That being said, after much misunderstanding regarding "Christ Centered Energy Healing", I have stopped using the term in reference to my work. I have done so for 2 main reasons:
1) I wanted to avoid any confusion by those who felt the term was claiming special access to healing power outside the priesthood;
2) I have since come to understand the name Christ should be used with much more reverence, and not attached to things casually. It is still important to me that people know that all of my beliefs and practices are in line with my faith as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I can think of more respectful and appropriate ways to indicate that...or better yet, I can trust the Lord to help people find me when they are ready, and trust in the power of discernment as people decide for themselves if I am the right person to work with. After all, "By their fruits ye shall know them"
**My response to the Melanie Gibb letter**
2) I have since come to understand the name Christ should be used with much more reverence, and not attached to things casually. It is still important to me that people know that all of my beliefs and practices are in line with my faith as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I can think of more respectful and appropriate ways to indicate that...or better yet, I can trust the Lord to help people find me when they are ready, and trust in the power of discernment as people decide for themselves if I am the right person to work with. After all, "By their fruits ye shall know them"
**My response to the Melanie Gibb letter**
Background: Melanie Gibb is related to the now infamous Daybell case, involving missing children JJ and Tylee, which is big news in our Idaho community right now. Melanie Gibb, a close friend to Chad and Lori Daybell, who are at the center of this case, has written a 7 page letter calling out Chad and Lori's deceptive, dangerous practices, and energy healing is featured prominently as something Melanie is calling out as evil, and "opening the doors of darkness." For the record, I believe Melanie is honest and sincere, and genuinely concerned about warning others about things she regards as dangerous. I am hoping to clear up some misunderstandings regarding energy medicine, as put forth in her letter.
There is ALOT of misinformation and misunderstanding about energy work right now. There are some very high profile people in the public eye talking about their energy healing practices, and adding to the confusion. Some of the things being labeled as "energy healing" have nothing to do with energy healing at all (or shouldn't be part of legitimate energy medicine practices). My Introduction to Energy Medicine post clarifies what energy medicine is, and what it is not. I believe energy medicine is a wonderful, God given tool to help us address the needs of our body in relation to health and well being, much like herbs, nutrition, essential oils, etc, etc, are tools for health and wellness. It is important to use the tools the Lord has given us within the bounds He has set. Energy medicine can be misused just as anything else can. In my opinion, anyone who seeks out and calls upon Spirit Guides, seeks out "help" from the other side of the veil, or attempts to look into the future is NOT engaged in energy medicine but divination. Divination is dangerous and a tool of the adversary. No one who is a seeker of light and truth should ever engage in divination. We must have a firm understanding of the scriptures and of true doctrine, and have the gift of discernment to discern between truth and error.
Just recently someone who has been very vocal about her energy work practices on her podcast, and who commonly uses phrases such as "my angels on the other side of the veil are giving me instruction" said, in relation to energy work, "My angels let me look into the future and get some information that would help me work on my client." What???!!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! What she is referring to is divination, not energy healing. No wonder so much confusion and misunderstanding abounds.
Here are some of the key point Melanie makes in her letter, and my responses to them (in pink):
Melanie is spot on with her statement about prayer...We are to pray directly to our Father in Heaven and no one else. He will provide the things we are in need of. Anyone who is praying to dead ancestors is violating the pattern He has provided and is open to the adversary. They are indeed treading on dangerous ground. We know from scriptural patterns and modern prophets that in response to our sincere prayers, Heavenly Father can bless us in any way He see's fit, including the ministering of angels, encouragement and support from our loved ones on the other side of the veil, love and support from inspired earthly angels, just to name a few of the marvelous ways He blesses us. Herein lies one of Satan's counterfeits: there is a difference between praying to the Father for help, and being sent ministering angels, or help from beyond the veil, and in seeking these things directly, bypassing the prescribed pattern. There is safety in staying within the bounds the Lord has set. Pray to the Father for all things we are in need of, and He will bless us with what we need. That being said, trying to contact dead relatives, or seeking help from spirit guides is not part of any kind of legitimate energy medicine I've ever heard of...it is divination. Divination is dangerous.
It is true, muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, is often used as a means of obtaining information from the body system when doing energy work. I also use it in my work as a clinical herbalist, or when testing for food allergies or intolerances, or any time I need information from my body related to health or well-being. Applied kinesiology is also used by many physical therapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc, in their clinical practices. It is a valuable tool in getting feedback from the body. I believe it is a God given tool enabling us to be good stewards over our own health, something the Lord expects of us. But, again, we must stay within the proper bounds. It is my belief muscle testing is to be used to obtain information directly related to health and well being. While it is possible to muscle test for someone else, it should only be done with their permission. Otherwise it is a violation of their agency. If you are in tune, the Holy Ghost will restrain you if you try to muscle test for someone without their permission. We have no right to information in someone else's body system without their permission! Asking about future events, or anything that falls outside the scope of health and healing, is a misuse of muscle testing, and in my opinion, falls under the umbrella of divination. Divination is dangerous.
As far as asking things through muscle testing that should be asked to the Lord directly, muscle testing is for accessing information regarding health and well being. Prayer and personal revelation still trump muscle testing, and priesthood blessings trump all.
As far as "trusting in the arm of flesh", the Lord does have a pattern of approving the use of physical things for obtaining information (within the bounds He has set). Two such examples are first, when Joseph Smith was given the urim and thumim to translate the Book of Mormon. He relied on these God given physical objects for the inspired work of translation, however no longer needed them at the end of the process. Could it be that these physical objects were training wheels to teach him how to receive the information without them? The next example is of the Lords divine approval of Oliver Cowdery's use of a divining rod. From lds.org:
As far as I'm concerned, these two examples alone blow the idea that the Lord never works through physical objects out of the water! That claim simply isn't supported by the evidence. Additionally, the Brethren (Boyd K Packer, David A. Bednar, and D. Todd Christopherson among others) have taught that "our body is the instrument of our spirit". So with this perspective, using the physical body as an instrument to obtain information from our body system regarding our health and healing not only makes sense, but is a beautifully elegant solution to helping us take better care of ourselves. The Lord expects us to be good stewards in caring for our bodies, and I believe muscle testing is one of the hidden treasures spoken of in the Doctrine and Covenants. How can we make wise decisions about our health and well being without being able to obtain information about what our bodies need? Muscle testing is only one of many tools provided to empower us, and enable us to act, instead of waiting to be acted upon.

Why is talking about the weapons of Satan opening dark doors? His power is in anonymity...we need to bring his devious and hidden tactics into the light! The scriptures are clear that Satan uses weapons to attack us, and many are mentioned by name...fiery darts, awful chains, shrouds of darkness. People need to realize these weapons are real...they are in a spiritual realm, part of an unseen battle raging all around us that we cannot see. Ephesians 6:11-18
She goes on to say "fear creates attacks of the adversary." Fear doesn't create an attack, it is the attack. And once Satan has a foothold, he can engage in additional attacks. But burying our heads in the sand about the tactics of the adversary isn't the answer. Not acknowledging the weapons of the adversary and living in fear of his power just takes us from one extreme of fear to the other. This is not what Heavenly Father wants for us. We can combat the tactics of satan through knowledge and understanding of correct doctrine. The Lord wants us to learn discernment, and to learn to act in faith and truth. He has not given us the spirit of fear. Developing discernment is a trial and error proposition. We are told to prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good.
Melanie shares a beautiful example of her turning her fear and burdens over to the Lord, and is able to access the grace and healing power of the Atonement. The ability to lay our burdens and sorrows at His feet and find peace and rest is something He wants for each one of us. I have worked with many people who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and have an intellectual understanding of the atonement, and desire with all their hearts to experience what Melanie describes, yet for some reason they do not understand, are unable to do so. Elder Uchdorf has said "Darkness is not an indication there is no light; it simply means you're not in the right place to receive the light" (Bearers Of Heavenly Light, Oct 2017)
Did you know that sometimes lies, false beliefs, distortions, trapped negative emotions, or other "fiery darts" of the adversary can actually put a barrier between us and the healing power of the Atonement? These things, recorded and stored in the energy fields of the body, actually shift our thought patterns and belief systems where we are not in the right place to receive the light and love of our Savior.
I worked with one particular client who had struggled with depression, anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness for years. She had been on medication briefly while in college, but hating how it made her feel, she had spent several subsequent years in traditional counseling. Nothing she had tried had made her feel better. She sat in my office in tears, saying "No matter what I do, I can't feel the Spirit, and I pray and read my scriptures daily, and I've been going to the temple regularly for years, but I can't feel anything!" She also expressed frustration and discouragement that she believed she could turn her burdens over to the Lord, but she just couldn't do it, and desperately wanted the peace and healing she knew the Lord could offer, but couldn't understand why it seemed so far beyond her reach. She was giving energy work a try because she had already tried conventional therapy for years, to no avail.
Using muscle testing as a tool to access information held by her body system, we learned of several lies and false beliefs "coded" in her energy system. The lie was "You're not worthy". Talk about a fiery dart of the adversary! The false belief was something she inadvertently picked up from her Mother...it was the belief that if she let someone else carry her burdens she was failing, and that life was supposed to be hard. Can you see how living life with those two pieces of false information as part of her paradigm was keeping her in a place where she was actually blocking herself from receiving Light, and didn't even know it! Because that false information was "coded" energetically in her energy system, we were able to use energy medicine techniques to clear the false information and replace it with truth. Making these corrections in her energy system had a dramatic affect on her depression and anxiety, and she finally began to have experiences where she could feel the spirit and draw closer to her Savior. She shifted from being in a place where she was stuck in darkness to being able to actively let light in.
Several years ago Sister Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President shared an experience of having a bird fly into her home through an open door. The bird became frightened and confused and kept flying into the wall, unable to find his way out. The door was wide open, and she hoped the bird would be able to see the light streaming in, and realize that was the way to freedom. But even though the way out was just a few feet away, the bird was so disoriented and frantic, he just couldn't' see it. She gently coaxed the frightened bird onto the end of a broom and carried him to the door, where he was able to fly to freedom. (That Your Joy Might be Full, Oct 2017)
All healing takes place through our Savior Jesus Christ. I have come to learn that sometimes in my work with energy healing, I am the person with the broom. I am not the Light, but am able to be an instrument in the Lords hands in helping people learn what is keeping them from the Light, and to help them understand how to make the needed changes in their lives.
Some people may ask why the Lord couldn't just heal them, and remove the fiery darts, trapped emotions, false beliefs, etc himself? I have come to learn that in many cases awareness and understanding of these things is a vital part to being able to heal, and allow change to take place. Many people need to work through the therapy process to understand why they were struggling with certain things, or unable to break certain patterns. With understanding and awareness comes the power to overcome.
I'm not sure why it is that many people who believe in multiple probations also believe in energy healing...perhaps it is because both are a bit outside the box. There is nothing wrong with being open minded, and willing to "prove" something before deciding if it is truth or not. After all, we are taught that "by their fruits ye shall know them." The thing about seeds is that you have to nurture the seed a bit and spend some time with it before fruit appears. Sometimes we know immediately if something is not of the light, but other times we have to spend some time "proving it", and evaluating the fruit. This is all part of developing discernement. Read and study Moroni 7. The Lord has given us a pattern that we may not be deceived. I think Melanie's advice to pray for yourself is a great idea!
She says "energy work and these doctrines of the devils will continue to take people away from God's church..." Discernment and the ability to hear the voice of the Lord is crucial! I have taken great care to develop the gift of discernment as I learn and practice energy healing. I spend a lot of time in the scriptures striving to learn truth, so I have a standard by which to judge all things. The experiences I've had with energy healing fill my heart with light , peace, hope and love. I feel closer to my Savior Jesus Christ, and have a greater desire to hold fast to my covenants, and tie myself to Him in every way possible. I want to be more obedient, more forgiving, more loving, more humble. I want to serve more, and to be someone He can count on. I have a greater desire to seek after Light and Truth, and want to help others do the same. These things have to come from God! We read in Moroni 7:
There is ALOT of misinformation and misunderstanding about energy work right now. There are some very high profile people in the public eye talking about their energy healing practices, and adding to the confusion. Some of the things being labeled as "energy healing" have nothing to do with energy healing at all (or shouldn't be part of legitimate energy medicine practices). My Introduction to Energy Medicine post clarifies what energy medicine is, and what it is not. I believe energy medicine is a wonderful, God given tool to help us address the needs of our body in relation to health and well being, much like herbs, nutrition, essential oils, etc, etc, are tools for health and wellness. It is important to use the tools the Lord has given us within the bounds He has set. Energy medicine can be misused just as anything else can. In my opinion, anyone who seeks out and calls upon Spirit Guides, seeks out "help" from the other side of the veil, or attempts to look into the future is NOT engaged in energy medicine but divination. Divination is dangerous and a tool of the adversary. No one who is a seeker of light and truth should ever engage in divination. We must have a firm understanding of the scriptures and of true doctrine, and have the gift of discernment to discern between truth and error.
Just recently someone who has been very vocal about her energy work practices on her podcast, and who commonly uses phrases such as "my angels on the other side of the veil are giving me instruction" said, in relation to energy work, "My angels let me look into the future and get some information that would help me work on my client." What???!!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! What she is referring to is divination, not energy healing. No wonder so much confusion and misunderstanding abounds.
Here are some of the key point Melanie makes in her letter, and my responses to them (in pink):
Melanie is spot on with her statement about prayer...We are to pray directly to our Father in Heaven and no one else. He will provide the things we are in need of. Anyone who is praying to dead ancestors is violating the pattern He has provided and is open to the adversary. They are indeed treading on dangerous ground. We know from scriptural patterns and modern prophets that in response to our sincere prayers, Heavenly Father can bless us in any way He see's fit, including the ministering of angels, encouragement and support from our loved ones on the other side of the veil, love and support from inspired earthly angels, just to name a few of the marvelous ways He blesses us. Herein lies one of Satan's counterfeits: there is a difference between praying to the Father for help, and being sent ministering angels, or help from beyond the veil, and in seeking these things directly, bypassing the prescribed pattern. There is safety in staying within the bounds the Lord has set. Pray to the Father for all things we are in need of, and He will bless us with what we need. That being said, trying to contact dead relatives, or seeking help from spirit guides is not part of any kind of legitimate energy medicine I've ever heard of...it is divination. Divination is dangerous.
It is true, muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, is often used as a means of obtaining information from the body system when doing energy work. I also use it in my work as a clinical herbalist, or when testing for food allergies or intolerances, or any time I need information from my body related to health or well-being. Applied kinesiology is also used by many physical therapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc, in their clinical practices. It is a valuable tool in getting feedback from the body. I believe it is a God given tool enabling us to be good stewards over our own health, something the Lord expects of us. But, again, we must stay within the proper bounds. It is my belief muscle testing is to be used to obtain information directly related to health and well being. While it is possible to muscle test for someone else, it should only be done with their permission. Otherwise it is a violation of their agency. If you are in tune, the Holy Ghost will restrain you if you try to muscle test for someone without their permission. We have no right to information in someone else's body system without their permission! Asking about future events, or anything that falls outside the scope of health and healing, is a misuse of muscle testing, and in my opinion, falls under the umbrella of divination. Divination is dangerous.
As far as asking things through muscle testing that should be asked to the Lord directly, muscle testing is for accessing information regarding health and well being. Prayer and personal revelation still trump muscle testing, and priesthood blessings trump all.
As far as "trusting in the arm of flesh", the Lord does have a pattern of approving the use of physical things for obtaining information (within the bounds He has set). Two such examples are first, when Joseph Smith was given the urim and thumim to translate the Book of Mormon. He relied on these God given physical objects for the inspired work of translation, however no longer needed them at the end of the process. Could it be that these physical objects were training wheels to teach him how to receive the information without them? The next example is of the Lords divine approval of Oliver Cowdery's use of a divining rod. From lds.org:
The Old Testament account of Moses and his brother Aaron recounted several instances of using rods to manifest God’s will (see Exodus 7:9–12; Numbers 17:8). Many Christians in Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery’s day similarly believed in divining rods as instruments for revelation. Oliver was among those who believed in and used a divining rod.8
The Lord recognized Oliver’s ability to use a rod: “Thou hast another gift which is the gift of working with the sprout [or rod].” Confirming the divinity of this gift, the revelation stated: “Behold there is no other power save God that can cause this thing of Nature to work in your hands for it is the work of God.”9 If Oliver desired, the revelation went on to say, the Lord would add the gift of translation to the revelatory gifts Oliver already possessed. (read more on lds.org here)
As far as I'm concerned, these two examples alone blow the idea that the Lord never works through physical objects out of the water! That claim simply isn't supported by the evidence. Additionally, the Brethren (Boyd K Packer, David A. Bednar, and D. Todd Christopherson among others) have taught that "our body is the instrument of our spirit". So with this perspective, using the physical body as an instrument to obtain information from our body system regarding our health and healing not only makes sense, but is a beautifully elegant solution to helping us take better care of ourselves. The Lord expects us to be good stewards in caring for our bodies, and I believe muscle testing is one of the hidden treasures spoken of in the Doctrine and Covenants. How can we make wise decisions about our health and well being without being able to obtain information about what our bodies need? Muscle testing is only one of many tools provided to empower us, and enable us to act, instead of waiting to be acted upon.

Why is talking about the weapons of Satan opening dark doors? His power is in anonymity...we need to bring his devious and hidden tactics into the light! The scriptures are clear that Satan uses weapons to attack us, and many are mentioned by name...fiery darts, awful chains, shrouds of darkness. People need to realize these weapons are real...they are in a spiritual realm, part of an unseen battle raging all around us that we cannot see. Ephesians 6:11-18
I am grateful for the many tools given by the Lord to free us from the weapons that Satan would use to bind us. In addition to faith, truth and righteousness, the Lord has given us knowledge on how to address these things at an energetic level. (which makes sense...if these weapons are used on an energetic/spiritual level, that's where we need to address them!) I have seen many times where a component of someone's depression, fear, anger, addiction, self loathing, etc, began with a fiery dart or other weapon of the adversary. Trying to overcome and heal from those things, or seek additional therapy, without removing the weapon is futile.
11 Put on the whole aarmour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we awrestle not bagainst cflesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the drulers of the edarkness of this world, against spiritual fwickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.14 Stand therefore, having your loins agirt about with btruth, and having on the cbreastplate of drighteousness;15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of apeace;16 Above all, taking the shield of afaith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery bdarts of the wicked.17 And take the helmet of asalvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:18 aPraying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all bperseverance and supplication for all saints;
She goes on to say "fear creates attacks of the adversary." Fear doesn't create an attack, it is the attack. And once Satan has a foothold, he can engage in additional attacks. But burying our heads in the sand about the tactics of the adversary isn't the answer. Not acknowledging the weapons of the adversary and living in fear of his power just takes us from one extreme of fear to the other. This is not what Heavenly Father wants for us. We can combat the tactics of satan through knowledge and understanding of correct doctrine. The Lord wants us to learn discernment, and to learn to act in faith and truth. He has not given us the spirit of fear. Developing discernment is a trial and error proposition. We are told to prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good.
Melanie shares a beautiful example of her turning her fear and burdens over to the Lord, and is able to access the grace and healing power of the Atonement. The ability to lay our burdens and sorrows at His feet and find peace and rest is something He wants for each one of us. I have worked with many people who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and have an intellectual understanding of the atonement, and desire with all their hearts to experience what Melanie describes, yet for some reason they do not understand, are unable to do so. Elder Uchdorf has said "Darkness is not an indication there is no light; it simply means you're not in the right place to receive the light" (Bearers Of Heavenly Light, Oct 2017)
Did you know that sometimes lies, false beliefs, distortions, trapped negative emotions, or other "fiery darts" of the adversary can actually put a barrier between us and the healing power of the Atonement? These things, recorded and stored in the energy fields of the body, actually shift our thought patterns and belief systems where we are not in the right place to receive the light and love of our Savior.
I worked with one particular client who had struggled with depression, anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness for years. She had been on medication briefly while in college, but hating how it made her feel, she had spent several subsequent years in traditional counseling. Nothing she had tried had made her feel better. She sat in my office in tears, saying "No matter what I do, I can't feel the Spirit, and I pray and read my scriptures daily, and I've been going to the temple regularly for years, but I can't feel anything!" She also expressed frustration and discouragement that she believed she could turn her burdens over to the Lord, but she just couldn't do it, and desperately wanted the peace and healing she knew the Lord could offer, but couldn't understand why it seemed so far beyond her reach. She was giving energy work a try because she had already tried conventional therapy for years, to no avail.
Using muscle testing as a tool to access information held by her body system, we learned of several lies and false beliefs "coded" in her energy system. The lie was "You're not worthy". Talk about a fiery dart of the adversary! The false belief was something she inadvertently picked up from her Mother...it was the belief that if she let someone else carry her burdens she was failing, and that life was supposed to be hard. Can you see how living life with those two pieces of false information as part of her paradigm was keeping her in a place where she was actually blocking herself from receiving Light, and didn't even know it! Because that false information was "coded" energetically in her energy system, we were able to use energy medicine techniques to clear the false information and replace it with truth. Making these corrections in her energy system had a dramatic affect on her depression and anxiety, and she finally began to have experiences where she could feel the spirit and draw closer to her Savior. She shifted from being in a place where she was stuck in darkness to being able to actively let light in.
Several years ago Sister Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society General President shared an experience of having a bird fly into her home through an open door. The bird became frightened and confused and kept flying into the wall, unable to find his way out. The door was wide open, and she hoped the bird would be able to see the light streaming in, and realize that was the way to freedom. But even though the way out was just a few feet away, the bird was so disoriented and frantic, he just couldn't' see it. She gently coaxed the frightened bird onto the end of a broom and carried him to the door, where he was able to fly to freedom. (That Your Joy Might be Full, Oct 2017)
All healing takes place through our Savior Jesus Christ. I have come to learn that sometimes in my work with energy healing, I am the person with the broom. I am not the Light, but am able to be an instrument in the Lords hands in helping people learn what is keeping them from the Light, and to help them understand how to make the needed changes in their lives.
Some people may ask why the Lord couldn't just heal them, and remove the fiery darts, trapped emotions, false beliefs, etc himself? I have come to learn that in many cases awareness and understanding of these things is a vital part to being able to heal, and allow change to take place. Many people need to work through the therapy process to understand why they were struggling with certain things, or unable to break certain patterns. With understanding and awareness comes the power to overcome.
I'm not sure why it is that many people who believe in multiple probations also believe in energy healing...perhaps it is because both are a bit outside the box. There is nothing wrong with being open minded, and willing to "prove" something before deciding if it is truth or not. After all, we are taught that "by their fruits ye shall know them." The thing about seeds is that you have to nurture the seed a bit and spend some time with it before fruit appears. Sometimes we know immediately if something is not of the light, but other times we have to spend some time "proving it", and evaluating the fruit. This is all part of developing discernement. Read and study Moroni 7. The Lord has given us a pattern that we may not be deceived. I think Melanie's advice to pray for yourself is a great idea!
She says "energy work and these doctrines of the devils will continue to take people away from God's church..." Discernment and the ability to hear the voice of the Lord is crucial! I have taken great care to develop the gift of discernment as I learn and practice energy healing. I spend a lot of time in the scriptures striving to learn truth, so I have a standard by which to judge all things. The experiences I've had with energy healing fill my heart with light , peace, hope and love. I feel closer to my Savior Jesus Christ, and have a greater desire to hold fast to my covenants, and tie myself to Him in every way possible. I want to be more obedient, more forgiving, more loving, more humble. I want to serve more, and to be someone He can count on. I have a greater desire to seek after Light and Truth, and want to help others do the same. These things have to come from God! We read in Moroni 7:
13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do agood continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and benticeth to do cgood, and to love God, and to serve him, is dinspired of God.14 Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is aevil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.15 For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to ajudge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.16 For behold, the aSpirit of Christ is given to every bman, that he may cknow good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
My purpose in writing these things isn't to convince anyone of anything...It's just to present the other side of the story, so to speak. I hear so many people talking about how energy work is evil, and I'm appalled at the things they are defining as energy work. My goal is to simply provide clarity and clear up some misunderstandings so people can have more accurate information in evaluating this issue.
2020 updates to Church General Handbook
In December of 2020, changes were made to the Church General Handbook, and the term "Energy Healing" was included in the text, with some words of counsel (which I agree with by the way). Here is the text from the church website:
2020 updates to Church General Handbook
In December of 2020, changes were made to the Church General Handbook, and the term "Energy Healing" was included in the text, with some words of counsel (which I agree with by the way). Here is the text from the church website:
38.7.8 Church members are discouraged from seeking miraculous or supernatural healing from an individual or group that claims to have special methods for accessing healing power outside of prayer and properly performed priesthood blessings. These practices are often referred to as “energy healing.” Other names are also used. Such promises for healing are often given in exchange for money.
I'm just speculating, but I'm guessing one reason the Brethren needed to address this is there have been quite a few high profile members of the church who have been publicly speaking about and teaching things they are calling "energy healing", and some of them have garnered quite a following. As stated before, many people are teaching things they are labeling as energy healing that IS NOT part of the conventional use of energy medicine...things that would actually be labeled as divination or occult practices.
Dabbling in divination and the occult is dangerous, and should be strictly off limits!! Confusion arises, however, when uneducated people who are being exposed to new ideas for the first time don't know how to tell the difference. As in any case where satan attempts to deceive and confuse, discernment and knowledge of true principles is vital! There are important red flags for us to be aware of listed in the updated wording:
1) church members are discouraged from seeking miraculous or supernatural healing by individuals/groups who claim to have special access to healing power: no trained, legitimate practitioner of energy medicine or other natural healing methods will ever claim the use of supernatural power, special access to restricted healing powers, or promise miracles. Those are huge red flags! As stated repeatedly through this article, energy medicine works with the innate healing ability of your own body, just as herbs, nutrition, or any other natural form of healing would. A practitioner of energy medicine techniques doesn't use any "special power" any more than a doctor does when he utilizes life saving drugs or performs surgery. Although relief from suffering can sometimes feel like a miracle, it is simply the result of a correct understanding of the natural laws that govern health and healing, and being able to work within those laws.
(President Nelson has spoken many times about his work as a heart surgeon, and having to learn the laws that govern the heart, and learning to work within those laws!)
Dabbling in divination and the occult is dangerous, and should be strictly off limits!! Confusion arises, however, when uneducated people who are being exposed to new ideas for the first time don't know how to tell the difference. As in any case where satan attempts to deceive and confuse, discernment and knowledge of true principles is vital! There are important red flags for us to be aware of listed in the updated wording:
1) church members are discouraged from seeking miraculous or supernatural healing by individuals/groups who claim to have special access to healing power: no trained, legitimate practitioner of energy medicine or other natural healing methods will ever claim the use of supernatural power, special access to restricted healing powers, or promise miracles. Those are huge red flags! As stated repeatedly through this article, energy medicine works with the innate healing ability of your own body, just as herbs, nutrition, or any other natural form of healing would. A practitioner of energy medicine techniques doesn't use any "special power" any more than a doctor does when he utilizes life saving drugs or performs surgery. Although relief from suffering can sometimes feel like a miracle, it is simply the result of a correct understanding of the natural laws that govern health and healing, and being able to work within those laws.
(President Nelson has spoken many times about his work as a heart surgeon, and having to learn the laws that govern the heart, and learning to work within those laws!)
2)such promises for(miraculous)healing are often given in exchange for money: again, don't work with anyone who promises miracles. Miracles are not ours to give. Even the most skilled surgeon or gifted physician would never promise a miracle. No reputable health care professional would.
3) these practices are often referred to as "energy healing". Other names are also used. When I read these words, I see several red flags the Brethren are giving us, and telling us these things are often referred to as one thing (energy healing) or can be referred to by other names. No matter what someone calls it, these red flags are warnings to us!
I am in 100% agreement with everything said in the update to the Handbook. Finding a reputable, trained professional is vital, no matter which field of heath care you are talking about. Use common sense. Do your homework. Watch for red flags. Seek out fully trained, reputable, licensed health care professionals. Be prayerful. Be discerning.
I am in 100% agreement with everything said in the update to the Handbook. Finding a reputable, trained professional is vital, no matter which field of heath care you are talking about. Use common sense. Do your homework. Watch for red flags. Seek out fully trained, reputable, licensed health care professionals. Be prayerful. Be discerning.