I saw this posted on Facebook and immediately thought of the truth of this profound statement, as manifested through the emotional healing work I do.
So many times, people come to me, not understanding why they are trapped in patterns of anger, hurt, abuse, addiction, or an inability to love those closest to them. They are desperate to change, but don't know where to turn for help. Often times, they have walked a long road of counseling, traditional talk therapy, medication and failed relationships before they find their way to me.
Energy work, in it's elegant simplicity, has a way of getting right to the heart of the issue, and helping us identify the core issues that need to be healed before behavior patterns can change. Most of the time, faulty information is unknowingly held in the body's subconscious "programming" that drives these destructive patterns, and although people aren't aware of the cause, they are often desperate to free themselves from the seemingly unbreakable cycles that repeat in their lives...cycles of uncontrollable anger, addiction, fear, or abusive behavior. For every outward behavior pattern, there is a foundational belief system that drives it. Past trauma, lies, false beliefs, distortions, trapped emotional energy...these are all things that can cause us to act out in irrational and hurtful ways...the path to healing must always begin with identifying and healing the underlying emotional causes...