Class Handouts: Intro to Energy Class

Here are some links and handouts for those who have attended my Intro to Energy class!!! I've also posted the PowerPoint presentation I used in class...


Here is the link for the PowerPoint presentation I used in class

Teach yourself to see energy...this is a great video teaching you how to see the human aura, as well as this video that shows you how to see the energy in a room!! It takes some practice, but it is amazing once you start "having eyes to see"!

HERE is the chapter from the book Butterfly Miracles with Homeopathic Remedies by Laree Westover, that deals with muscle testing. This is packed with information, and the very best place to start when just learning!

There are many, many ways to muscle test, and different muscles to test. If you search You Tube you will find dozens of videos teaching different methods. I've tried them all! HERE is a link to the method that was the easiest for me to master, and the easiest to teach my children. HERE is another great video showing a couple of different methods.

Dr. Kinghardt 5 Levels Of Healing Handout, Version 1
5 Levels of Healing, Version 2

Simplified Version, 5 Levels of Healing

Power Vs. Force, David R. Hawkins Map of Consciousness

Quotes from Dr. Bradly Nelson, creator of Emotion Code, on energy work and LDS beliefs

Everything Has a Vibrational Frequency Handout (essential oils)

More Scriptures, Quotes on Energy Work, Generational work!