Nothing Happens until Something Moves

You have probably heard Albert Einstein's famous quote that "Nothing happens until something moves." The famous German theoretical physicist developed the theory of relativity. When he made the statement, he was talking mainly about physics. However, others have made similar statements that relate to areas of our lives that have nothing to do with physics (or, have everything to do with physics, depending on your viewpoint!) 

Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Working to clear distortions in the energy field is remarkably effective at both facilitating movement to bring about change, and fundamentally transforming the way we perceive events and circumstances in our lives.

Just like a computer, each of us runs a "program" that defines our default behaviors, and holds the keys to such things as our emotional response patterns, our memories, our beliefs, our expectations, our relationships, and the very paradigms that dictate how we view our world and our place in it. Just as a computer program can fall victim to a virus or malware, which causes the computer to behave in ways that are contrary to the original program, we can internalize "bad information" that alters our subconscious program. We might refer to this "bad information" as false beliefs, lies, distortions, hidden or trapped emotions, or destructive patterns inherited through family lines. The program we run is like wearing a certain set of colored lenses through which we view and respond to our world. But it's vital to note that our programs don't have to be based in is most often based on our perceptions (or misperceptions) of reality. Identifying incorrect or inaccurate information in our subconscious programming and replacing it with truth, can be like taking off a pair of old glasses with dark, distorted lenses, and replacing them with a brand new pair of beautiful, crystal clear lenses. The lenses through which we view the world affect everything. 

Most people don't even realize they are running a subconscious program, much less that their program may contain false information or distortions that are affecting their daily lives.  As I've worked with people over the years, I have found that identifying a lie, a false belief or some other distortion and replacing it with truth is the very movement needed to spark the process of change and healing.