Secrets of the Universe, Hidden Treasures, Counterfeits and Truth

I've written much about my journey in coming to learn of the "Healing Arts" (which include many therapies that may be familiar, such as massage therapy, light therapy, magnetic therapy, sound therapy, herbal medicine, acupuncture etc, as well as more unfamiliar, less mainstream therapies such as energy healing, cranio sacral work, foot zoning, etc) A wonderful awakening seems to be occurring, where science is catching up with what healers have known for centuries: our bodies are more than the physical; pain, trauma and imbalances can be corrected, and prevented by focusing on the emotional, mental, and energetic layers outside the physical layer, and that the application of both neuroscience and physics in medicine can yield dramatic results, far beyond the results of our current medical model, which focuses almost solely on the application of chemistry in medicine. 

Energy based modalities are still science based...just a different field of science. 

Unfortunately, one thing energy healers have to contend with, seemingly constantly, is attacks from those who do not understand what energy medicine is, and what it is not.(1)  

Many people equate "I have never heard of this before" with "you must be doing something wrong/you are deceived/you are out of line".  I personally have been accused of everything from priestcraft to witchcraft, and I assure you those accusations cut deeper than you can imagine. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I take suggestions that I have done something that warrants meeting with my priesthood leaders, or that I am not worthy to hold a temple recommend very seriously. Many, many times since I began my journey "off the beaten path" in 2012, I have poured out my heart to my Savior, seeking guidance, instruction, clarity and understanding, as I pled with Him to know if I have been deceived, if I am crossing any lines, or if there is anything in my conduct or current course of action that is not pleasing unto Him, or not in harmony with truth and light. Each time, He helps me review in my mind the path that led me to the things I have learned, and how that path has been filled with light, and hope, and love-- and that the fruits of this knowledge in my life have been a blessing to me and my family, and allowed me to be an instrument in His hands to bless the lives of others. But most of all, He reminds me that through this journey, I have grown closer to Him, my Savior, and have developed a more personal, one-on-one relationship with Him than ever before. How could these things have come from anywhere but Heaven? (2) 

As a fellow energy healer recently opined "10 years from now, as the science continues to catch up, and as these things become more main stream, the idea that these concepts were attacked and demonized will seem laughable"

But until then, here we are. Misunderstood, misaligned, sometimes shunned, and often accused of some really hurtful things. 

Just in the last few weeks an energy healer who is becoming well known online (who has also put a great deal of time and effort into learning to read the signs of the heavens, and does custom Star Charts) put out a video that has drawn a new wave of criticism and misunderstanding. (3) As I've pondered one of the comments made on her video, I've felt prompted to write this post. 

Here is the portion of the comment I want to respond to: 

"the notion of replacing God`s own tools of patriarchal blessings, priesthood blessings of comfort and to heal the sick and infirmed, prophesy, scripture, and counsel from ordained leaders, with star charts, energy healings and the like has always felt like the adversaries version of God's authorized tools for His children. The signs in Heaven are given for the purpose of providing waypoints along the path of life leading to the return of Jesus Christ. The best things about Gods tools are that they are provided for free and they are simple and always work the way He wants them to."

The main question I would like to put forth is this: Whoever said anything about replacing patriarchal blessings, priesthood blessings, prophesy or scripture?

I have always told those I work with that personal revelation, prayer, and priesthood blessings are always going to be the highest authority, and will trump anything we can do with energy work. All energy modalities are is another "tool in the toolbox" so to speak. So I agree wholeheartedly...replacing those divine gifts would be bad. We would never do that. But why do we have to think in terms of "either/or". I believe God expects us to use all the wonderful gifts He has given us. And why do people feel that these things are in competition with, or in conflict with each other??? 

A Patriarchal blessing is a divinely appointed blessing, given when someone who has been ordained, by God, to the Priesthood office of Patriarch, lays his hands upon your head and gives inspired council, including, but not limited to your lineage through the House of Israel, spiritual gifts you have been blessed with, as well as prophetic council and direction from an authorized servant of the Lord. A Natal chart is....none of those things. (4) It is a study of the "map" in the Heavens on the day you were born, with the belief that the Lord created the Heavens with signs and markers not only for the world as a whole, and individual nations and peoples, but also to each and every indivividual, on a very personal level. The scriptures make it clear that "the stars are "ordained" to be witnesses to us, and that they utter speech and show knowledge." (5) Those who have studied this believe God put personal and individualized information in the stars for each of us, waiting to be discovered. I personally have not had a star chart done for me. When I was first introduced to the concept years ago, I prayed about it, and I didn't feel like that's where the Lord was leading me at the time. I do, however, believe there is information to be discovered there, and maybe someday the Lord will point me in that direction....or maybe He will bring me to a knowledge of those things another way. Perhaps this is among the "great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures" spoken of in the scriptures. But more on that later. 

But back to the question at hand:  Is a Natal chart reading a replacement for a Patriarchal blessing? No way! They literally have nothing to do with each other! Is it possible that one could give a 2nd witness of something learned in the other? Sure. (wouldn't that be amazing!) But a counterfeit or a replacement? Nope. They have completely different purposes, and methods of administration and although there could be some overlap in the truths you learn, all truth comes from God, right?  And Joseph Smith said "all truth belongs to Mormonism". So if you pray about it, and are led that direction, why not get both!! If the Lord tells you not to worry about it, don't worry about it. The real secret is to always follow the Holy Ghost. He will show us all things we should do! He will help us know the truth of all things. But we have to study it out in our minds, and not pass judgement on something we haven't studied and sought to understand! (7)

Our mortal paths and learning experiences are so highly individualized and unique we simply cannot compare how the Lord is teaching us to the way He is teaching someone else. 

And to address one other point made in the video comment: 

"The best things about Gods tools are that they are provided for free and they are simple and always work the way He wants them to."

Some people have suggested that because those who have studied neonatal charts or learned energy healing techniques, charge money for their time, or engage in these things professionally- and these things bless the lives of others and often utilize the spiritual gifts of the one doing the work- that it must be priestcraft, or wholly inappropriate for some other reason. 

Here's the thing...information IS free. You can learn just about anything if you know where to look and are willing to invest the time to learn it. I'm very open with my clients who come to me for energy work that there is nothing I do that they can't learn for themselves. And after I've helped them through whatever "crisis" brought them to me, I often loan out my books and point them to the best resources if they want to learn for themselves. Many are "gung ho" about learning and I'm happy to mentor them. But many would just rather pay me for my time, because they don't feel called to learn these things, or aren't willing or interested in the time commitment learning themselves would require.  Same with the neo natal charts. I'm sure, somewhere, all the information you'd ever need to crack that code is out there. I bet if you are serious about learning it, the Lord will tell you all about it. In fact, I am 100% sure He will. 

But how long would that take? And just how serious are you about learning it? 

Sure, if I get tired of paying huge dental bills, I can go to dental school myself, and take care of all our families dental needs, and save a fortune. That option is open to me anytime. If for some reason I can't justify paying thousands for a formal education (which no logical person thinks should come at no cost)  I'm sure I can find some YouTube videos that will cover the basics.  If I want a beautiful picture of the Savior to hang in my home, but get sticker shock when I see how much those go for, I can start taking art lessons, invest the time and pray for the talent to do it myself, and paint to my hearts content. 

But am I gonna do that? NO. And most likely, neither are you. So I pay for the time of those that HAVE. 

Do you have any idea how much time, energy and often times money, goes into learning energy healing techniques (or learning anything of value?) I've spend countless hours learning things on my own (which I pay for in time rather than dollars), and literally thousands of dollars in formal training in herbal medicine, foot zoning, homeopathy, etc, etc. I believe all of these things are gifts from God to help us be better stewards over our own health, and to bless the lives of others. But even with my belief that these things are given to us from God, I would never expect to receive formal classroom training for free. And my clients understand why I don't spend hours away from my family, using the things I've learned in a clinical setting, without charging for my time. 

So saying a neo natal star chart must be a counterfeit because everything from God would be free...or energy healers are practicing priestcraft because they charge money for their time and training....yeah, that just doesn't hold up to scrutiny. 

Remember President Nelson talking about going into surgery for a difficult heart procedure, and seeing the procedure mapped out in his mind by the Holy Ghost?? (8) Talk about a gift from God!!! One might even call President Nelson a "gifted" heart surgeon. Certainly, the Lord blessed someone's life that day by allowing an inspired surgeon to receive direct revelation on how to heal his patients body. Certainly, a miracle, in every sense of the word.

But I'm quite sure no one suggested that the surgery should have been done for free. I'm sure the propriety of using direct revelation from God, perhaps even spiritual gifts, in a professional setting, and being paid for the work performed never even crossed anyone's mind. 

When I send my kids to school, I want them to have the gifted teacher
When I need body work, I want the gifted massage therapist
If I'm buying artwork of the Savior, I want to buy it from the gifted artist
If I want to read an inspiring gospel centered book, I will seek out the gifted author

I could go on and on. You get the point. And, I'll just throw this in, because it usually comes up as part of this discussion: It is not automatically priestcraft to earn money with something gospel or Christ centered. Look at seminary teachers. They literally make a living teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For Money. you really know what it means? 

People sure are throwing that word around a lot, but when you read how the scriptures actually define it, I question whether the people accusing others of priestcraft even understand what it really is. 

The Book of Mormon says, "Priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion" (9)  Additionally, Peter cursed Simon the sorcerer, who wanted to purchase the priesthood for money (Act 8: 14-24) 

So, to be honest, when you have someone whose sincerest desire is to follow Christ, serve others, to relieve suffering, do good, be a disciple of Christ, use the gifts God has given them in the way they believe God is leading them to use them; and through all their work, they are continually seeking to point others to Christ, and give Him all the credit for any good they are able to do, I don't really get how any of this comes even close to priestcraft. 

Before ending this post (that has grown much longer than originally intended,) I want to say a word about hidden treasures. In the scriptures, God speaks of "great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures"

Hidden treasures....Have you ever thought about those words? 

What makes something hidden? Is it hidden because it's not out in the open, for all to see? Do hidden things have to be found, discovered, uncovered, or revealed through some sort of effort on the part of the seeker? Here is what Miriam-Webster says: 


hid·​den | \ ˈhi-dᵊn  \

Definition of hidden

1: being out of sight or not readily apparent CONCEALED
I absolutely, 100% believe energy healing, signs in the heavens, maps in the stars, and many of the other "fringy" things that people are getting riled up about these days fall into this category. 

Here is the thing about hidden or concealed things: If you have been led to one of these "great treasures of knowledge", but those around you have not yet uncovered those truths, do you think you might get accused of "going outside the box" or teaching false doctrine? Might you get condemned, ridiculed or criticized by people who have not yet been led to such truths. Joseph Smith encountered this among the early Saints. He lamented:

“There has been a great difficulty in getting anything into the heads of this generation. It has been like splitting hemlock knots with a corn-dodger [a piece of corn bread] for a wedge, and a pumpkin for a beetle [a wooden mallet]. Even the Saints are slow to understand.

I have tried for a number of years to get the minds of the Saints prepared to receive the things of God; but we frequently see some of them, after suffering all they have for the work of God, will fly to pieces like glass as soon as anything comes that is contrary to their traditions.." (10)

In April 2018, President Nelson said : 

"Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught, “To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is clear that the Father and the Son are giving away the secrets of the universe!” (11)

In this statement, we learn of "qualifiers" to receive the secrets of the universe: eyes to see and ears to hear. What might "hidden treasures" and the "secrets of the universe" look like to those without eyes to see or ears to hear?? Priestcraft, perhaps? Maybe it would look like some freaky, fringy thing you should definitely confess to your Bishop about!!!

Remember, the scriptures are clear: All things which are good cometh of God. It is by their fruits that ye shall know them. In Moroni 7, we read:

10 Wherefore, a man being evil cannot do that which is good; neither will he give a good gift.


11 For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water; neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if he follow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.


12 Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually.

13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

14 Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.

We are also told:

15 For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.

16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God. "

The bottom line is this: The "veil over the Earth is beginning to burst". We are being prepared for unprecedented times. Think of it! This Earth is preparing for a long awaited, eagerly anticipated phase of Terrestrial existence. Everything upon its' face must be able to abide Terrestrial law. I'm pretty sure some of the "secrets of the Universe" we need to learn involve leaving the Telestial behind and being ready for all things Terrestrial. This will surely involve new concepts in communication, medicine, energy, transportation, physics, computer technology, and other fields of endeavor. And as Elder Ballard said of these forthcoming new ideas "Many of these discoveries, as in the past, will be the result of the Spirit whispering insights into and enlightening the minds of truth-seeking individuals.”  (12)

And I'm sure as we learn new things, we will come across ideas and concepts that sound totally foreign and maybe just plain wierd. But we have been promised that by the power of God, we may know the truth of all things. We can have unwavering confidence in that promise.  But before we pass judgement on things we haven't sincerely studied, let's follow the divine pattern we've been given (Moroni 7). Study it out. Ask God if it is right. Pray for the gift to discern.  Evaluate things with the criteria He has set forth, then go talk with Him about it. What you learn may just surprise you! 


(1) Here is a basic introduction to Energy Medicine, and HERE is a post dispelling some common misconceptions about it
(2) Read and ponder Moroni 7. The Lord always led me back to the truths in this chapter whenever I was being attacked by those who do not understand, and was feeling doubt and discouragement over the path I have felt inspired to take.
(3) I don't personally know Allie Duzett, but was introduced to her when she was interviewed on a YouTube Channel I follow. This whole post was inspired by one of the comments left on that video. Here is the link to the initial interview on YouTube, and a follow-up video Allie made to respond to some of the negative feedback she is getting. 
(4) Allie Duzett does "Natal Chart Readings, following scriptural principles that the Lord uses the Heaven's for signs, in addition to doing energy work. Learn more about her Natal Charts here
(5)  Psalms 19:1-2
6) D&C 89:19
(7) Proverbs 18:13
(8) Conference Talk, April 2018 Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives
(9) 2 Ne 26: 29,31
(10) Teachings of Joseph Smith
(11) April 2018 conference talk
(12) M. Russell Ballard: “Face the future with optimism. I believe we are standing on the threshold of a new era of growth, prosperity, and abundance. Barring a calamity or unexpected international crisis, I think the next few years will be a resurgence in the world economy as new discoveries are made in communication, medicine, energy, transportation, physics, computer technology, and other fields of endeavor. Many of these discoveries, as in the past, will be the result of the Spirit whispering insights into and enlightening the minds of truth-seeking individuals.” -M. Russell Ballard (2012)